
Susan Gerson Public Relations is a smart and savvy full-service public relations firm specializing in all areas of the juvenile and parenting industries. With over 15 years of experience, Susan creates brand awareness through strategic, multi-media outreach campaigns. Susan Gerson Public Relations develops customized plans to build your brand and boost your business.

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Susan Gerson Public Relations

parenting news

The New York Times Parenting News

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:25:33 +0000
Labor and Jobs, Parenting, Women and Girls, United States Economy, Hiring and Promotion, Careers and Professions, Part-Time Employment, Child Care
Child Care Costs Challenge Women’s Gains in Work Force
Participation in the labor force has surged among women in their prime working years. But for those with children under 5, the gains may have peaked.
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 01:18:32 +0000
Presidential Election of 2024, United States Politics and Government, Abortion, Parenting, In Vitro Fertilization, Women and Girls, Roe v Wade (Supreme Court Decision), Infertility, Egg Donation and Freezing, Children and Childhood, Emhoff, Douglas C, Emhoff, Ella, Harris, Kamala D, Vance, J D
Kamala Harris’s Blended Family Defends Against JD Vance’s ‘Childless’ Insult
JD Vance’s 2021 insult of “childless cat ladies” has sparked bipartisan outrage at a moment when women’s choices are seen as a galvanizing political force.
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:48:43 +0000
Pregnancy and Childbirth, Parenting, Research, Infertility, Birth Rates, United States
Fewer U.S. Adults Say They Will Have Children, Study Finds
A new study breaks down the reasons more U.S. adults say they are unlikely to have children.
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 13:00:02 +0000
Customs, Etiquette and Manners, Child Care, Families and Family Life
Why Do My In-Laws Help Their Daughter With Her Children, but Not Me?
A reader bristles at the child care that her mother-in-law provides for her wealthy daughter, who the reader doesn’t think needs free help as much as she does.
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:00:26 +0000
Pasta, Grandparents, Travel and Vacations, Cooking and Cookbooks, Italy
The Ultimate Italy Experience: Making Pasta with Nonnas
In a small town near Rome, real nonnas teach the dying art of making farfalle, ravioli and other forms with a rolling pin, some flour and eggs.
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:40:59 +0000
Harris, Kamala D, Vance, J D, Trump, Donald J, Buttigieg, Pete (1982- ), Presidential Election of 2024, Child Care, Democratic Party, Republican Party
Attacking Kamala Harris for Not Having Kids Will Backfire
Being a parent doesn’t make you a better politician.
Mon, 22 Jul 2024 07:00:17 +0000
Blood, Stem Cells, Bone Marrow, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Parenting, Advertising and Marketing, Transplants, Clinical Trials, Cerebral Palsy, Children and Childhood, Babies and Infants, your-feed-healthcare
¿Qué tan útiles son los bancos de sangre de cordón umbilical?
Esto es lo que los padres deben saber sobre las promesas que esas empresas han hecho a sus clientes.
Tue, 16 Jul 2024 19:00:13 +0000
Love (Emotion), Modern Love (Times Column), Dating and Relationships, Layoffs and Job Reductions, Mangoes, Grandparents
Tiny Love Stories: ‘I Was Married to a Terrible Man’
Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.
Mon, 15 Jul 2024 21:24:57 +0000
Trump, Donald J, Biden, Joseph R Jr, Assassinations and Attempted Assassinations, Presidential Election of 2024, Gun Control, United States Politics and Government, Colleges and Universities, Parenting, Israel-Gaza War (2023- ), Private and Sectarian Schools
Political Violence and Guns in America
Readers discuss heated rhetoric, lax gun laws, a security failure and more. Also: Tips for college; seeking common ground in a dialogue.
Mon, 15 Jul 2024 12:07:23 +0000
Stem Cells, Parenting, Blood, Pregnancy and Childbirth
About Our Investigation Into Cord Blood Banks
Some families pay thousands of dollars to store their children’s stem cells with the hope of a healthier future for them. But Sarah Kliff, an investigative health care reporter for The New York Times, explains that the cells are rarely useful and are sometimes contaminated.